A Blade So Black By L.L. Mckinney



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Synopsis:  This isn’t the Wonderland you remember.  The first time a Nightmare came , Alice almost lost her life.  Now, with the help of magic weapons and hardcore fighting skills, she battles these creatures in the dream realm called Wonderland.  But life in the real world isn’t as simple.  Alice has to juggle school, a diva best friend and an overprotective mom all while trying to figure out who poisoned her mentor.  She has to go deeper into Wonderland then she has ever gone before and hopefully come out with her head.

McKinney really wrote a fun and adventurous book.  The story line was action packed from the very beginning.  Alice was constantly at odds with her mother due to her not knowing about her daughters extra curricular activities.  Her best friends were Courtney who was the yang to Alice’s yin.  Chester aka Chess and Alice had a will they won’t they vibe which I thought was done really well and super cute.  There was the same vibe with her mentor Addison Hatta.  That was a little bit more dubious mostly because we don’t really know how old Hatta is just that he looks around the same age as Alice but Wonderlandians age slower than humans.

There were a few parts of the book that were a little murky but the fight scenes in my opinion more than made up for that.  I think that the author could have fleshed out her relationships a little more.  Most of the interactions with her friends, and family were pretty quick.  I did find myself asking a lot of questions that never really got answers but I suppose that helps with getting a person to continue to read the series.  All in all this book was really great and well written and I will definitely be checking out the sequel.
