The Last Valentine By Felix Alexander {Spoiler Free}


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Synopsis: Olivia Villalobos finds a bloodstained love letter.  She is a teenager that has yet to experience love so she wants to be sure that this love letter gets to its intended person.  And she has to do this before Chief Inspector Sedano finds out what she’s doing and what she has in her possession.

Mr. Alexander starts his book with a prologue about an older gentleman named Isaac who is nearing the end of his life.  He has been placed in a home where he has lost his home, his love and his memory.  But he has flashes of memory and those memories are of a love from long ago.

The next chapter starts in 1935 in a little town of Puerto Rico called Old Sienna.  An unidentified man has been found in an alley way and the newspapers weren’t given much to go on because the police did not want to take the chance of a copycat arising out of the tragedy.  A few days later the love letter that had been logged into evidence along with the body went missing.  Chief Inspector Guillermo Sedeno was  beside himself with anger because he knew who had stolen it but he had no proof.  It was Inspector Villalobos.  These two men had been competing with each other for years.  It did not help that Sedeno was promoted over Villalobos but the latter was a drunk and everyone knew it.  However, Villalobos got the hand of the woman that they both had loved.  Due to tragedy not known right away both men lost her way before her time.

Olivia is the daughter of Inspector Villalobos and while she loves her father he merely tolerates her.  Her father’s sister her aunt Tia has been the mother she needed for as long as she could remember.  She also has her best friend Isaac who she has known since they were young children.  He is a dear friend to her but for Isaac he is in love with Olivia and she has no idea.  The book takes off from here.  Olivia brings Isaac into her intrigue of trying to figure out who the love letter belongs to.  This adventure brings them into the seedier side of Old Sienna and long-buried secrets come out and in the end everyone involved lives will have changed.  For better or for worse.

This was the first book I have read by Felix Alexander.  I enjoyed this book.  I received an ARC so there were a few mistakes but nothing that would prevent me from understanding or enjoying the book.  The book was not slow it was steady and the story was beautiful.  I thing everyone is a sucker for a good love story and this book will definitely give you that.  There is death and heartbreak as any love story may have but at its core this love story is sweet and in the end will make you believe in love again.  I am giving this book 4 out of 5 stars.  I really think you guys will enjoy it.  Have I steered you wrong yet? 🙂


Nikki 🐛